Tagged: Tetro

Francis Ford Coppola announces new film


The Godfather director Francis Ford Coppola announced a new film, revolving around an Italo-American boy and girl in their late teens. The film is described as a coming-of-age story, to be produced by family collaborator Fred Roos. There’s no studio attached to the project yet, so it’s fair to speculate whether Coppola will release this one himself like he did with his last three films (Youth Without Youth, Tetro and Twixt).

As a fan of Coppola’s work this is exciting news, I can’t wait to hear more. It sounds like yet another very personal and intimate film from the Italo-American director that has given us classics such as The ConversationThe Godfather films and Apocalypse Now. Most of Coppola’s films revolve around youths, and specifically teenagers, especially in: The Outsiders, Rumble Fish and Peggy Sue Got Married.